Sainte-Maxime, Land of Liberation

Sainte-Maxime, Land of Liberation

EventsArts, crafts and shows
21 place Louis Blanc
83120 Sainte-Maxime
I'm going by train
From 6 Jun to 12 Sep
Free access.
  1. / Sainte-Maxime, Land of Liberation

Sainte-Maxime, Land of Liberation

21 place Louis Blanc
83120 Sainte-Maxime
I'm going by train


Through an exhibition of photographs, archive documents, objects that bear witness to our history and moving testimonies, the town of Sainte-Maxime invites you to immerse yourself in the heart of the summer of 1944. The exhibition retraces the Allied landings on the French Mediterranean coast on 15 August 1944, the meticulously prepared sequence of events, the new French army that was reconstituted, the essential role played by the Resistance in the success of the operations deployed, and the moving stories of the men, women and children from Sainte-Maxime whose stories mark the high points of our history and of freedom regained.
L’exposition retrace le Débarquement allié, le 15 août 1944 sur les côtes méditerranéennes françaises, de son déroulé minutieusement préparé, de la nouvelle armée française reconstituée, du rôle essentiel de la Résistance dans le succès des opérations déployées, de ces hommes, ces femmes et enfants, Maximois et Maximoises, dont les récits émouvants marquent les moments forts de notre histoire et de la liberté retrouvée.

Spoken languages

Labels, brands and classified sites

Famille Plus

Openings & pricing


From 06/06 to 12/09/2024, daily.
During Tourist Office opening hours:
July-August: 9am to 7pm.
September: 9am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 6.30pm.


Free access.

Mise à jour le 16/07/2024
Par Office de tourisme de Sainte Maxime

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