

Saint-Raphaël a conservé ses allures de village, avec ses quartiers à forte identité, son centre ancien, ses ports. Battie aux pieds du rougeoyant massif de l'Estérel, la ville offre des paysages idylliques et une foule d'activités, sur terre ou en mer !
83700 Saint-Raphaël
I'm going by train
  1. / Saint-Raphaël


83700 Saint-Raphaël
I'm going by train


The charm of Saint-Raphaël is partly owed to its privileged location at the foot of the Massif de l'Estérel and its magnificent views over the Bay of Fréjus. Nicknamed the "Town of Light", Saint-Raphaël is home to many luxurious villas, mansion houses and a casino.

You will love exploring the narrow, shaded streets of the historic quarter, visiting the Romanesque church and archaeological museum, or lapping up the superb views over the bay from the top of the watchtower.
Saint-Raphaël comprises several touristic quarters, all with their own personality: the historic quarter, town centre, ports and Valescure and Agay quarters...

The coast of Saint-Raphaël spans an impressive 36 km! The fiery rocks of the Estérel Hills are a magnificent sight. With its succession of coves and fjords, the flaming red coast offers a striking contrast to the blue of the Mediterranean waters. An official "Station Nautique" resort, Saint-Raphaël also boasts a myriad of water sports opportunities in an idyllic setting.

Mise à jour le 25/11/2019
Par Agence de Développement Touristique Var Tourisme

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