

Hyères offre de multiples facettes. Côté Histoire : vestiges antiques, vieille ville médiévale et maisons Belle-Epoque. Côté mer : un patrimoine naturel exceptionnel, amoureusement protégé, avec la Presqu'île de Giens et les Iles d'Or.
83400 Hyères
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  1. / Hyères


83400 Hyères
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This is where the Côte d'Azur really begins...
Hyères first became a reputed resort in the mid-19th century, when rich aristocrats came here to while away the winter months. Queen Victoria herself resided in Hyères in 1892! The town still has all the inimitable old-fashioned charm of that era, with landmarks including a casino, racecourse (hippodrome), botanical gardens and wide avenues lined with palm trees, palaces, opulent "Belle Epoque" houses and oriental-style villas.

The attraction of the town also undoubtedly lies in its medieval quarter, whose twisting and turning old streets and lanes stretch up the hillside to a ruined feudal castle.

But Hyères also harbours an exceptional natural heritage in the form of its double isthmus (two sandy arms) running to Giens peninsula, the Vieux Salins (ancient salt marshes) and Golden Islands of Porquerolles, Port-Cros and Le Levant.

Mise à jour le 06/01/2022
Par Agence de Développement Touristique Var Tourisme

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